LG Prada 3.0

Cara hard reset: – Matikan dulu handsetnya. – Pencet-tahan bersamaan tombol Power/Lock + kamera + volume down

Alcatel OT-710D

Cara reset : Pencet-tahan volume atas dan power berbarengan sampai muncul peringatan All data will lost

Master Reset BlackBerry

penting dicatet neh 😀 ==================== http://www.blackberry.com/btsc/KB14058 To delete all data and applications from the BlackBerry smartphone, complete the following appropriate set of steps depending on […]

Reset BlackBerry

Catet! ========================= http://www.blackberry.com/btsc/KB02141 A reset of a BlackBerry smartphone is a troubleshooting method that completely turns off and restarts the BlackBerry smartphone’s operating system software […]

Backup BlackBerry

Penting dicatet! ==================== http://www.blackberry.com/btsc/KB12487 To perform a full backup of the data on a BlackBerry smartphone, complete the following steps: – Connect the BlackBerry smartphone […]

Android SDK 3.2

Android SDK baru saja di-update ke v3.2. detilnya ada di sini: http://android-developers.blogspot.com/2011/07/android-32-platform-and-updated-sdk.html ini tampilannya waktu gue update SDK…

North Point iBand

Kemaren temenku @FredericaAditya ngasi liat video ini http://youtu.be/DcexJQM-8W0 yg nampilin sekelompok orang bermusik pake ipad dan iphone. Karena rasanya familiar, gue cari2 deh di gugel. […]

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